We have a fantastic line up this year all being planned out and arranged, from events to class activities, to ensure every child has a truly great training year ahead of them! Have your training gear at the ready, here we go.....
ALL CLASSES will return from January 7th onwards,
so see you all this week for the first class of the year.
Dont forget to bring along your membership renewal forms
For those who have been here for some years you know the drill, but for those who are still new to our family club here is what we do on our first week back:
1. We will sit down and reflect on all that we achieved individually in 2018, looking at the goals which were set at the beginning of last year, and discuss what we achieved and did not achieve last year. Making plans for this year to be better, but also reflecting and understanding why certain goals may not have been reached.
2. All children will be asked to write their training goals for the year ahead. This is a very important part of their training as it gives them the focus on what they want to achieve throughout the year. Which also ensures that our classes are tailored around child lead activities too.
3. We will finish by looking at what is required for next stripe belts, tips or full colour belts. Each having a taster into something completely new to work on and get to grips with.
We would like to ask parents where possible to discuss the above with your child, as they may like to think about it a little more between now and when we return to class this week.